National Institute of Unani Medicine Bangalore Admission Notification for PG courses in Unani Medicine 2010-11

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National Institute of Unani Medicine Bangalore Admission Notification for PG courses in Unani Medicine 2010-11

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National Institute of Unani Medicine Bangalore
Kottige Palya, Magadi Main Road, Bangalore-560091

Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka

Admission notification for PG courses in Unani Medicine (session 2010-11)

Applications are invited for the entrance test for admission to Post Graduate course Mahire Tib-M.D. (Unani) in Moalajat, Ilmul Advia, Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib and Ilmul Saidla and Mahire Jarahat-M.S. (Unani) in Ilmul Qabalat wa Amraze Niswan up to 15th October, 2010

Date of notification: 27th September, 2010, Monday

Downloading of application forms: 27th September, 2010, Monday

Last Date of submission of filled in application forms: 15th October, 2010, Friday

Collection of hall tickets from NIUM: 23rd October, 2010, Saturday

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Entrance test: 24th October, 2010, Sunday

Declaration of result/merit list: 26th October, 2010, Tuesday

Date of Counseling: 2nd November, 2010, Tuesday

Admission from Ist list: 2nd-3rd November, 2010

Display of subsequent list (if necessary): 3rd November, 2010, Wednesday

Commencement of classes: 3rd November, 2010, Wednesday

Last date for admission from subsequent list: 10th November, 2010, Wednesday

Last date for admissions against vacancies arising due to any reason with a penal fine of Rs10000/- per candidate: 30th November, 2010

Closure of admissions: 30th November, 2010

Admission details

Mahire Tib/Mahire Jarahat - M.D./M.S (Unani) in the following subjects

Moalajat (Medicine) - 08 seats

Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology) - 08 seats

Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib (PSM) - 05 seats

Ilmul Qabalat wa Amraze Niswan (OBG) - 05 seats

Ilmul Saidla (Unani Pharmacy) - 04 seats

Duration of the course: 3 years

Minimum qualification: A candidate must have obtained the Kamile Tib o Jarahat (BUMS) degree or any other degree in Unani Medicine as recognized by CCIM and must have completed the 06 months/12 months internship/house job as the case may be, on or before 30th September, 2010. The right of admission of any candidate, who does not complete the internship by 30th September, 2010, stands automatically cancelled

Reservations: Presently two seats are reserved for foreign national students (one for BIMSTEC countries and the other for other countries). The students nominated by central govt under this category will be admitted directly, on the recommendation of ICCR, New Delhi. They will not be required to appear in the entrance test. Seats for foreign students are subsumed in the total number of seats

Four seats are reserved under govt of India (GoI) nomination category, one each in Moalajat, Ilmul Advia, Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib and Ilmul Qabala wa Amraze Niswan. Under this category the Teachers/Medical officers working in any govt organization, nominated by govt of India, will be admitted directly in NIUM. They will not be required to appear in the entrance test. No application will be entertained by NIUM for nomination under this category

The seats remaining vacant if any, under GoI nomination category due to non-availability of teachers/ medical officers (in-service), nominated by govt of India, will be filled up by the candidates who belong to the deficient states. However, such candidates will have to appear in the entrance test and obtain the minimum qualifying marks to be eligible for admissions in this category. The candidates belonging to deficient states** will be admitted subject to availability of the seats under this category only, and from the merit list of the entrance test, prepared separately for this category. The applications of such candidates should also be forwarded by the concerned state governments

Besides the above categories, reservations will be given to SC/ST/Physically handicapped, OBC (not belonging to creamy layer), and to any other category, as per the guidelines of govt of India

In case of non-availability of the eligible candidates in any of the above reservation categories, the vacant seats will be filled up from the general merit list, prepared on the basis of the entrance test

The candidates can opt/choose only one category for reservation

The candidates are required to see the website of the Institute for any notification and modifications

(**Deficient states, the states where PG education facility is not available in the particular discipline)

Entrance test: Entrance test will be conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, at NIUM, Bangalore

The test will be held on 24th October, 2010. The candidates are directed to report to the exam centre at 10.00 a.m. but not later than 10.30 a.m. The schedule of the test is 11.00 a.m. to 12.40 p.m. The medium of examination will be English. The candidates should indicate their choice of answer with black/blue ball pen only

Marks of entrance test: The entrance test paper shall be of 100 marks containing objective type questions covering all the subjects of BUMS course. Each question will carry one mark. The duration of the paper will be 100 minutes. Students will have to select the best answer out of four plausible alternatives. One mark will be given for each correct answer. If more than one alternative is indicated for a question, the answer will be considered as invalid and over-writing or ambiguously marked answers will be considered as invalid. There will be no negative marking for any incorrect answer

The complaint against the question, if any, should be submitted to the office of the chief superintendent entrance test centre, with in one hour after completion of the test on the same day. After which no complaint will be entertained

Determination of merit: Candidates belonging to general category should obtain 50% of marks in the entrance test and the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC (below creamy layer) should obtain 40% of marks in the entrance test to become eligible for counseling. However, securing mere eligibility marks does not guarantee admission, which will be according to the merit list of the entrance test

Admission procedure: The admission committee shall scrutinise all the application forms; the eligible candidates shall be admitted on the basis of merit, subject to availability of seats; in case more than one candidate securing equal marks in the entrance test then the following criteria will be followed to decide seniority amongst them (number of attempts taken by the candidate in UG examination-ascending; if it is also same then the total percentage secured by the candidate in final prof/IV/V year-descending; if it is also same then the total percentage secured by the candidate in II Prof/III year then I Prof/I year-Descending; the vacancies arising out of non-joining of the candidate shall be filled on the basis of merit-cumpreference within the stipulated dates. Such candidates should join the Institute by the specific time mentioned already

Declaration of results/merit list: Result/merit list will be notified within four days of the test

Application for admission: A candidate must apply for admission on prescribed application form. Application forms, Instructions and other details can be downloaded from the Institute’s website or from the University website from 27th September, 2010. Application forms will not be sent by post to the candidates

Entrance test fee: The candidate has to strictly follow the instructions given below for payment of entrance examination fees

Entrance test Fees payment has to be made through challan system (form 1) in state bank of India branches or demand drafts drawn in favour of Director, NIUM, Bangalore

The challan can be downloaded from the Institute’s website/RGUHS website or can be collected from academic section of the Institute

The receipt of the challan for payment of requisite fees duly signed and sealed by the SBI branch has to be attached along with the application form compulsorily

In case of non attachment of the challan receipt or demand draft against the payment of fee, the application is liable to be rejected

The detail of fees to be paid is as under: General Rs 1000/-; SC/ST category Rs 250/-; OBC (not belonging to the creamy layer) Rs 1000/-; PH Rs 1000/-; GoI Nominee/in-Service Rs 1000/-

Submission of application form: The candidate must ensure that the filled in application form completed in all aspects along with demand draft towards entrance test fee should reach the office of the director, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Kottigepalya, Magadi main road, Bangalore-560091 on or before 15th October, 2010. The envelope containing the form should be super scribed application for PGET (Unani). Application forms received after 15th October, 2010 or incomplete application form in any respect will not be considered and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained

The candidates shall fill the application form in their own handwriting. They must go through the instructions and other details of admission carefully before filling the application form

It is the responsibility of the candidates to ensure that their application form reaches the Institute before the prescribed time and they should fill the correct address legibly on the self-addressed envelope for necessary correspondence, if required

Candidate should clearly mention the category (General/SC/ST/OBC/PH/GoI/In-service etc) under which they seek admission in the column provided in the application form

Applicants are advised to send the filled in application form well in advance preferably by speed post to avoid any delay. The Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay. The application forms received without the prescribed fee and also received after the due date even with the fee will be rejected

The right of admission of any candidate, who does not complete the internship by 30th September, 2010 stands cancelled

List of enclosures: Attested true copies of the following documents must be enclosed along with the application form. The originals of these shall be produced for verification at the time of admission; high school/secondary or equivalent examination certificate for proof of date of birth; marks sheet of all examinations from first to final year/ proof of degree relating to the qualifying examination; certificate of 06 months/12 months compulsory internship/house job after passing the final examination as per eligibility requirements

The candidates, who have not completed the required Internship up to the date of filling up of application form, will have to submit a certificate issued by the principle of the college that they will complete the internship by 30th September, 2010

Candidates should bring character certificate issued by the last Institution/college attended

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