Department of Biotechnology
Invites applications for the Innovative Young Biotechnologist Award (IYBA) for the year 2010
The Innovative Young Biotechnologist Award (IYBA) was instituted by the dept of Biotechnology in the year 2005, as an attractive, career-oriented scheme to identify and nurture outstanding young scientists with innovative ideas and desire to pursue research in frontier areas of biotechnology
For the year 2010 awards the department invites applications from the young investigators up to the age of 35 years
The award will consist of financial support for a project and cash award/fellowship for the awardees
Awardees having a regular employment will receive a cash award of Rs 1.00/- lakh every year during the course of the project in addition to grants-in-aid of Rs 50.00/- lakhs for a project
The awardees, those are not in the regular employment will receive a fellowship of Rs 40,000/- per month and shall be attached to a senior scientist (mentor) in a university, research institute, medical/agriculture/veterinary college or any other institute of repute
It is expected that the awardees will work independently and the mentor will facilitate the awardees research efforts
Applications (2 copies) neatly typed on plain paper in the prescribed format along with enclosures and certified copies to be sent to Dr T Madhan Mohan, adviser, department of biotechnology, block-2, CGO complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003, so as to reach latest by 15th December, 2010
Soft copy of the application also needs to be sent to
For more details and application format, please visit DBT website,
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